Resource Featured Widget
This widget displays only one 'featured' Resource at a time in a Widget for visitors to download. It can be the latest Resource added to a particular Resource Group and automatically update each time a Resource is added, or it can be set to only show one specific Resource permanently.
To display a list of Resources from a Resource Group (instead of only one Resource) use the alternate Resources Widget.
To add the Widget
- Go to Pages in the main menu and open the Page you want the Widget to appear on.
(Alternatively, go to Theme & Layout in the main menu and open the Sidebar you want the Widget to appear on) - Click the blue + icon to add a Widget
- Select the widget Resource Featured.
- Optionally add a title to appear above the Resource
- Choose the Resource Group which will have the resource you want to display.
- Then either leave 'Resource' set to Latest Resource to always show the Resource with the newest publish date, or click on the field and select from the list of Resources which are in the selected Resource group available
- Click Save
NOTE: Whenever you add or remove a file from a Resource Group, the Resource Widgets will update automatically on every page they are placed on.
To view a live example of the Resource Featured Widget, visit