Adding Posts

To Add a new Post

  1. Go to Content>Posts in the Main Menu
  2. Click Add Post and this window will open
  3. Add a Title (required) 
  4. Slug (web address name) will only appear after you save
  5. Click the Plus to open the Image Chooser add a summary image
  6. Select the Category series it belongs to or click Add to add a new Category (optional)
  7. Add an Author by clicking the Select button and choose, or enter, an Author (Required)
  8. Enter some keyword tags that may be clicked on to vie all Posts with that Tag
  9. Published date sets the order it shows in a Category list. 
  10. Status set to Published will display your post live immediately. Else set it to Draft so it doesn't go live until you're ready - but remember to change it to 'Published' when it's ready or nobody will be able to see it. To publish afterwards, open the post, click settings, and change status to Published.
  11. Click Save
  12. Your new Post's blank editing area will now display. Click the word 'Hello' in the middle of the screen and the Text Widget will highlight blue. 
  13. Click Edit to begin entering your text
  14. You can also click the blue Plus icon to add more widgets to the Post


  • To alter the Post's details again, such as its title, author, status etc, open the existing Post and then click Settings up the top right
  • If your post does not appear on your website, make sure it is set to a Status of Published. (open the post, click settings, and change status to Published) 
  • You can not add extra widgets to the left or right of each other in Posts, only above and below.
  • Your Post saves automatically each time  you save a widget
  • to view a Post on your live website, see info at Posts Overview

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