Selecting Images

Some features on your site allow you to insert images - such as for the a Banners, the Image Widget, Card Widget and when adding Events.

These images can either be your own images uploaded or you can use the free images in the stock photography library included.

When you’re at a place where you can add an image, there will be a Plus and a Cross icon. 

Clicking the Plus icon will open the Image Chooser window where you can select an image (or replace what was already showing). Clicking the Cross icon will remove the image from that feature but not delete the image from your site's storage.

The Image Chooser window will initially show the images which have been uploaded to your site. 

You can search for a specific uploaded image by name, if you have many uploaded images to look through, by clicking the magnifying glass icon. 

If you've found an image you want to use, simply click on it to select it for the feature which requires the image.

If there isn't an existing uploaded image you want to use you can upload an image or look for a Stock Image to use.

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