Site Wide Notifications

A site wide message can be added to every page on the website for visitors to read. This feature should only be used for urgent messages such as unexpected church closures.

Add Site Wide Notification

  1. Go to Settings > General
  2. Check the checkbox to "Show site wide notification?"
  3. Write a short message
  4. Set an expiry date when the message should automatically stop showing on the website.
  5. Click Save

Remove a Site Wide Notification

If you need to remove/hide a site wide notification before the expires on date is reached

  1. Go to Settings > General
  2. Unclick "Show site wide notification"
  3. Click Save

Covid-19 Message

During covid-19, we have added a message to all churches in Australia and New Zealand. The message will be similar to the following:

Due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, our church services have been suspended until the end of April. In the meantime, we are live streaming services and we welcome you to join us.

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